Foundraiser Hack & Hustle

Genius is Global &
we hate that
opportunity isn’t!

No one knows where the next technological breakthrough will come from and, for too long, we've been seeing capital concentrating around the big metropoles and a couple of over-hyped verticals. At the same time, with the increasingly fast pace of technology today, corporations & international organisations struggle to innovate and embed existing innovations into their activities.

Startup Fundraising & Equity Narrative

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Startup Fundraising & Equity Narrative

We help founders who are uniquely positioned to uncover breakthrough insights, and that have been toughened by being in the VC Twilight Zone. We're not looking for second tier founder & startups. We are hunting for superstars who have been overlooked and don't have the ability to make the case in a way that's investable for the typical investor.

Innovation Consulting & Venture Building

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Innovation Consulting & Venture Building

We help organizations develop their overarching innovation strategy, prioritize & develop their innovation toolkit, as well as deploy innovation programs. Whether that's operating an agile entrepreneurial approach to creating and scaling, finding the ideas, teams, systems & capital to design, build and develop lean ventures; we are here for you.

The European VC

Learn from the hottest investors in Europe
Sister Company to EUVC

We are a sister company to The European VC, the go-to podcast and connector of European venture industry.

Foundraise Program